This is something I've seen more and more over recent years
It's true that way more than half of ladies fail in their weight loss attempts
Multiple ladies fail multiple times over multiple years (and decades)
Does that make sense? ha! It does in my head 🙂
Failing at something is pretty demotivating, it's a negative
So why do so many ladies fail?
There's multiple reasons but the big one I want to talk about today is:
They focus too much on weight and what the scales say
Yes, it's illogical to think that ladies fail in the weight loss attempts due to focussing on weight too much but hear me out.
If you just focus on weight then every time you step on that scales you've either Succeeded or Failed
You gain a pound, well you've failed. Negative emotion
You lose a pound, you've succeeded. Positive emotion
What about when you feel really run down, you binged last night so have starved yourself all day as punishment and you step on the scales. You've lost a pound. Positive emotion? Do you really feel that great though?
How about focussing on health?
How about looking at all of these measures rather than one:
- Energy
- Being less prone to illness
- Motivation/positivity
- Quality of sleep
- Fitness
- Strength
- Scale weight
- Body fat
- Control over food and drink
You see when you look at all of these things you could 'Fail' with 3 things but 'Succeed' with 5.
That's a positive.
That's moving forward.
That's momentum.
That'll lead to success.
If you've got such a bad relationship with the scales then throw them out, concentrate on the above without the mental pressure of weighing and I really think you'll get better results.
Mindset is a massive thing in any journey to a goal.
On our January 28 Day Program as well as doing a drop a jeans size challenge we will build you up mentally to see things different.
Massively increasing your chances of success.
Take care,
Reply with January if you want to find out more.