I've got something to ask you.
What's the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning?
- What time do I finish work today
- Oh no I need to do 'X' today
- I can't wait to do this today
- I wish I didn't have to get up this early
Loads of examples, and loads of negative ones which I believe more people report sadly.
Without sounding morbid, we'll never get this day again.
It's really sad to just wish days away counting down to the weekend but we all do it (myself included sometimes).
Ways to help these feelings:
Structure: Know what you're doing each day, have a plan of how you're going to make it a good one.
Nice Plans: Plan in nice/productive things like exercise, date nights, time outdoors etc to break the day up and have things to look forward to.
Vision: What are you trying to achieve? Look into the future and work out what you're trying to achieve. It doesn't have to be get a big promotion it could be get fitter to run a 5k, lose weight for the summer holidays or be the best mum you could be.
Once you've got this set then each day is an opportunity to get 1% closer to that goal.
That's powerful and motivating.
So to summarise.
Visualise what you want to get to in your future.
Write it down and think of that first thing in the morning.
Have a great day,
Jamie Stedman
I joined FBL Llanelli in August 2023, started 2 weeks ago on my 28 day challenge. I used to exercise and considered myself fit-ish! I was a gym member but never enjoyed going and dreaded going to the next session . No real focus on my diet, however felt I was healthy in my choices. I lost my fitness very quickly when I lost focus the weight piled on and then getting Covid earlier this year and becoming quite poorly, even more weight piled on. My body suffered therefore my health and fitness suffered. My journey with FBL started,
I am now really enjoying life, yes in two weeks I feel better, I can move better. The classes and advice on healthy eating plus the genuine care , encouragement and support the coaches provide has made me see I can do this. Classes are such fun, we work, we laugh and everyone helps each other. Initially feeling I would struggle to do one class a week I booked 5 this week. I see a future where I will be less cranky and creaky, a future I will be able to do so much more, improve my body image and smile every day because of my mindset. My family are so proud as I was at a real low point. I would advise all ladies to get on the 28 day challenge and begin life changes that fit into your lifestyle, changes that in a couple of days impact on your health and wellbeing