We received a lovely message in our facebook group last week.
It was from Carol who was on a high after joining our FBL 250 club and receiving her shiny new bag!
There's not much for me to say here, I'll leave it all up to Carol.
When you join a gym …. normally during the induction period as a new member & then for a short while after ….you possibly might feel supported and encouraged .
Then all too soon , you're left to your own devices , the support wavers and the monthly fee is paid but your membership and the attendance falters ….
I was a member of 2 similar gyms in the Llanelli area, during the past 7 years , I’m quite sure I’m not alone with these experiences.
Fitter Bodies Ladies Llanelli has completely changed me ….so special , it’s well organised , different , invigorating, challenging, supportive and reassuring.
Jamie & his team and are truly marvellous , to keep me occupied and motivated for the past 20 months, since I joined , especially during the pandemic and the lockdowns …. Is a wonder in itself.
Some numbers are not reflected in the scales , I love my food , cooking , eating out and baking . However there are other serious numbers to consider. My numbers are my BP , Heart rate and Cholesterol. In 20 months I’ve reduced my blood pressure from borderline GP concern to below normal 110/80 , which based on my date of birth, is pretty good . Resting heart rate is now 55, initially it was 75+. Reduced my Cholesterol from 6.0 to below 4.0 . All of which has pleased my GP no end.
It goes without saying , that this is because of FBL.
So on this, the final day , before certain restrictions in Wales, I can safely say that FBL has helped me no end, it is a wonderful gym family, with excellent coaches and the loveliest of lady members.Thanks all
It's so easy just to fixate on the numbers on the scale but the numbers Carol has mentioned there in my opinion mean more.
The greatest wealth is health.
Have a good day,