The Number 1 Thing You Can Do This Winter

By Jamie Stedman on 17th December 2021

It's dark

It's a little cold

It's the season where it's easy to stay in bed that extra hour or put the comfy clothes on as soon as you get home from work

But since when has the easy option been the best?

I guarantee that getting up early for a bit of exercise or heading out for your class after work WILL make you feel better than that extra hour in bed or early night.

Not always and sometimes it's good for the extra sleep or chilled night but at least a couple of times a week get that exercise session in.

2-3 workouts a week is perfect and just trying to be more active each day by walking and moving is all you need to keep up that momentum.

So that could still be 4-5 mornings staying in bed or 4-5 relaxing evenings.

Maintaining your exercise routine is probably the best thing you can do over the winter, don't wait for the clocks to change before trying to be active again.

If you never STOP then you never have to do the hardest thing: START

You don't need to train like an athlete.

Our members this month will be focussing on 2-4 sessions a week.

It's nice and social, it gives them a boost for the day and they can keep on edging closer to their goals without feeling like they have to start again in January.

It'll also give their immune system a massive boost as well as their mental health.

Making them much less likely to get ill over the winter and improve their ability to cope with stress, anxiety, overwhelm and depression.

All for sacrificing anything from 1-3 hours of your week to exercise (literally 1-2% of your week)

What's your excuse if you can't give 1% to yourself for a bit of exercise each week?

Something to think about.


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