Save this message as it's an important one

By Jamie Stedman on 9th April 2021

Save this email as it's an important one

You might want to save this email as the message is powerful.

I'd like to think that as a result of 'life lessons' and helping hundreds of ladies every week toimprove their physical and mental health, I have somewisdom that can be useful to others when shared.

and here's a little nugget for you.

There is something that should be prioritised ahead of the following:



Your goal weight


Success in our career


Energy is currency and it should be managed & spent wisely.

The moment you shift to prioritising your energy levels - ALL OF THE ABOVE will start to improve.

I kid you not.

So start recognising how you feel throughout the day.

When do you have a slump?

What foods and drinks make you feel tired later?

What's your minimum sleep that you need to jump out of bed the next day refreshed?

How many glasses of wine can you tolerate at night without feeling low on energy in the morning?

When you prioritise your energy, you start making better decisions throughout the day.

Imagine if you got 7-8 hours sleep [by going to bed earlier]

And then had a healthy meals [that kept you fuller for longer and negated the need for a snacks]

Cut down on caffeine [and the subsequent crashes that followed 45 mins later]

And drank 2-3 litres of water instead [aiding digestion and flushing toxins]

And exercised at high intensity or walked every day in the fresh air

Your energy levels would remain high

You would be more present and engaged with friends, family and work colleagues.

You would be more productive.

You would be able to think more clearly.

You would be more positive.

You would feel good about getting things done and improving your relationships.

Your fitness would be improving and the fat will be dropping off.

Your overall wellbeing would improve.

This is part of our 3F system [the Focus part]




There is much more to long term weight loss and healthy living than just going on a crash diet.

It doesn't happen overnight, but with the right support anyone can do it.

Maybe just do a little audit on yourself today - monitor when you feel tired and the foods and drink that you consume. This will be a great start.

Let me know if you need any help.

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