When we embark on a new challenge, new diet, new exercise regime, - in fact any promise we make to ourselves to improve, it often feels like that we have to 'sacrifice' stuff in order
to achieve what we want .
Committing to a diet - sacrifice the wine, the chocs, the biscuits, the takeaways etc and you'll get your result.
Committing to working out early each day - sacrifice some of your sleep to wake up early.
And because it feels like we are having to sacrifice things, if we then
don't see some results then we're likely to cave in - temporarily or permanently.
My challenge when creating our programme was coming up with a food plan and an exercise plan that didn't feel like we were having to sacrifice so much.
As it helps with continued motivation.
So that is what we have done with our 3F System .
We have a timetable that can cater to all working hours with fun, varied workouts. [Fitness]
We have a food plan that consists of good nutritious food with a few indulgencies thrown in [Food]
[this is the really important bit]
Say to yourself
"Being fit, healthy and in great shape is less about self sacrifice and more about self respect" [Focus]
The moment that we can all start respecting ourselves more - our bodies and our minds, then we are less likely to want to 'self sabotage'.
We're more likely to stay on track and stay motivated if we respect ourselves and the actions we are taking.
This is a gamechanger.
I hope it helps.
Have a great day,