How to look more toned

By Jamie Stedman on 19th April 2021

How to look more toned
When discussing how our Transformation Programme entails, I mention our tried and tested 3F System - Food, Fitness, Focus.
And last week I was talking about the Fitness part to someone that had reached out and I mentioned that we used a combination of cardio and weights.
Things like slam balls, dumbells, kettlebells etc
and the response was
"I don't want to get bulky by using weights"
Now this is a very common misconception.
In fact using weights shouldn't even be an option - it's an absolute necessity.
When ladies say that they want that 'Toned Look' - it only happens by using weights - FACT!
Getting bulky will only happen by taking testosterone supplements and eating about 5000 calories per day!
What's also often missed when it comes to using weights are the other advantages on your body:
Improving bone strength [to help prevent things like osteoporosis]
It will strengthen your tendons and ligaments
Confidence goes through the roof when you start feeling....stronger. [trust me on this]
You will benefit from something called the afterburn effect meaning your body will continue torching calories 24 hours after your session has finished.
It reverses the ageing process - as we get older we naturally lose lean tissue mass and by using weights you add that lean tissue back
Our workouts are carefully designed with all of this in mind.
Specifically for women.
This is how we help everyone to get such great results.
Any questions on this stuff, just reach out.
And if you're interested in more info about any of our upcoming programmes, just let me know.
Have an awesome day!

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