Home schooling & Keeping Fit. Can it be done?

By Jamie Stedman on 12th March 2021

You know that I do like to show off our members achievements, you've heard all about weight loss successes and big body transformations but every day there's equally impressive things going on that maybe slip under the radar.

Eating well and exercising well is much easier when you have time, energy, focus, space etc

What about when you're trying to achieve the same while working from home and home schooling with a little one running/crawling around too?

Different matter.

I'm not a parent and when the ladies first told me about the struggles of home schooling I did sympathise with them and thought 'that must be tough' but I think the reality of doing it is a lot harder so I definitely take every one of my hats off to those of you successfully juggling it or even attempting it.

After looking after my 2 year old nephew for 2 hours it dawned on me the challenge and lack of time for yourself.

But the ladies are proving that it can be done.

Here are the things which work for some of them:

- Getting up early and doing the 6:30am class before the kids wake up

- Doing the evening class when the other half is home at 5:30pm

- Catching up on the sessions whenever they can during the day whether that's during nap time, lunch break or even when the kids have gone to bed

You see with the right planning and definitely helped with a supportive partner it can be done and it is being done.

It's great this week that the kids are starting to go back which will make life a little easier for you hard working parents out there.

You're inspiring!

Have a great weekend and come on Wales!!

Jamie Stedman

PS If you want to know about our new program just reply with 'post lockdown' and I'll send you the details.

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