9 ways to give you a boost today

By Jamie Stedman on 12th April 2021

How would you describe your morning routine? Hectic, calm, nonexistent … ?

I’ve got a fun checklist for you this morning. It will help power-up your mornings and get your day off to a great start with an energy boost.

The best part is, you can do everything on this list and not add any extra time to your routine! - bonus right

In fact, everything on this list will make your existing routine more enjoyable.

Right, here we go then:
1 - Wait 30 minutes before scrolling your phone. - this sounds easy but you will find it harder than you think. This sends a strong message to your subconscious. It tells it YOU are in charge of your day, and not your phone or what’s happening in the news or on social media.

2 - Splash your face (or entire body, via a shower) with cold water. Cold water can boost your energy. It results in dilating your blood vessels, increasing your heart rate and circulation.

3 - Drink water BEFORE caffeine. Your body has been without hydration all night long. Being even a little dehydrated (just 1-2%!) can sap your energy. Treat yourself to a big glass of water before you sip that coffee.

4 - Supercharge your water. Add 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and a dash of cinnamon, turmeric, and cayenne pepper to your water. [I know this sounds a bit weird, but try it]

This will start your day off with a healthy kick of antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and may help your body balance blood sugar.

There’s even some evidence it can help with appetite control.

5 - Let the natural light shine in! Open up those curtains in the morning - straight away. This helps reset your body’s internal clock to wake up earlier, as well as naturally boost your energy.

6 - Listen to your favourite songs while you go through your morning routine. Studies show music can boost your mood as well as make you more alert! And it’s a lot more calming than a rundown of the latest news. [yep avoid that nasty manipulative news as much as possible]

7 - Do something FUN. If you have a smart device like an Alexa, try playing “question of the day” while you go about your routine. It will give your brain a challenge first thing.

8 - Light a naturally scented candle or turn on a diffuser that contains energizing organic essential oils. Anything in the citrus or mint families can help rev you up.

9 - Change into real clothes if you work from home (and especially if you don’t 😉 ). Wearing pyjamas all day is so 2020!

10 - BONUS TIP! Disclaimer: This one WILL add time to your daily routine, but not during your morning. Before you go to bed at night, do as many of your morning to-do’s as possible: pack your workout clothes, prep your breakfast, etc.

You've probably heard all of this stuff before, but it really does work.

And just by changing a few habits, I can guarantee that it will lift your mood.

Remember, Win the morning Win the day.

I hope this list gave you a few ideas for changing up your morning routine to make it more energizing!

You’ll be surprised how something that seems so small can change your day in a BIG way.

Make it an amazing day,


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