10 Quick Tips To Stay Motivated As It Gets Darker

By Jamie Stedman on 11th October 2021

I'd planned this post out last week but debated whether to send it then.

The reason being I'm still in shorts and t-shirt.

It's been a great October weather wise and not that cold at all.

But the mornings are darker and the evenings are getting there too.

So you can use this list to get you ready for winter!

I know a few of the ladies in class have been struggling with the darker mornings especially which is why I've come up with this list to help you stay motivated over the next few months:

  1. Plan your workouts: Don't wait until you get the motivation to do it, plan in when to train and stick to it.
  2. Get your kit ready: Don't go stumbling around in the dark, delaying yourself. Have your kit ready the night before.
  3. Get outdoors: Break up your days inside with some fresh air as often as you can.
  4. Stay healthy: loads of coughs and colds about so making good food choices will boost your health and make you less likely to be knocked back by these.
  5. Supplement: Give your body a boost by taking supplements. Vitamin D is an important one to be taking through the winter.
  6. Accountability: Don't do it alone, having a group/friend/family member to check in/do it with you helps massively when you're feeling low.
  7. Events: Things like park runs, races, challenges are great to keep you focussed.
  8. Enjoy it: Don't pressurise it too much and enjoy the process.
  9. Cut yourself some slack: It's hard to be 100% motivated all the time, accept that there will be challenges.

There we have it!

Have an awesome Tuesday.

Jamie Stedman

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