Good morning ~Contact.FirstName~,
What do you think I'm talking about?
They all are factors but no
I see so many slimmers get absolutely nowhere with their weight loss efforts because they blow it every weekend.
Make progress in the week but as soon as it gets to Thursday night/Friday the flood gates open.
I admit it's tough on weekends, there's so much more going on socially at weekends usually plus you have a lot more time, routine goes and it can be a much more difficult time to keep to your usual routine.
I struggle myself to get it right on weekends and it annoys the hell out of me!
Getting to Sunday night and thinking 'I've gone overboard AGAIN!'
Should you treat the weekend the same as the week?
There's no right or wrong answer here, some people successfully do this other need a few treats (as it makes them better in the week).
That's my approach, keep it controlled in the week and then a few treats on the weekend.
The best thing you need to do to get your weekends right is PLAN it.
Don't lose that control, plan in treats, plan in a few drinks, a dessert or whatever you fancy but decide what you're having it and enjoy it.
Friday-Sunday most will have 9 meals. Still try and make 6-8 as healthy as possible.
Have a nice 'treat meal/drink/dessert/snack' and move on.
There's nothing worse than feeling sick and guilty every single week because you've had too much.
Regain control, plan ahead and you will be amazed how much quicker you'll get results when you don't keep having to start again every Monday.
Have an awesome day,
PS I almost hate saying you need a treat on a weekend which suggests you're starving yourself or eating boring in the week. You shouldn't, I love my food in the week and have things like Greek yoghurt and fruit, eggs and bacon, chicken salads, stir frys, salmon and jacket potatoes, currys.
Definitely not rabbit food, really these foods are the treats. You feel much better after them.
Good morning ~Contact.FirstName~,
If I had a nickel for every time a client said to me:
'Oh I ate that because I had nothing else in the house'
Then I'd have a lot of nickels that I could do nothing with!
Eating healthily is simple.
That's not to say it's easy but it is straight forward.
Pick 3-4 healthy breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks and eat these through the week mixed in with a couple of treats.
Do that consistently and you're on to a winner!
There's no magic formula, it just takes a bit of time.
What people struggle with the most is the planning side of things.
This is hands down the most important aspect of a healthy diet.
You have to plan - plan what you eat, when you shop, the foods in the house, when you cook.
If you wing it you're up against it from the start.
To help you with your planning here is a list of some core foods you should ALWAYS have in the kitchen.
Which means you can always have something healthy to eat:
1. Eggs
2. Spinach
3. Lean protein (chicken/turkey) or white fish
4. Coconut oil
5. Blueberries/cherries
6. Broccoli
7. Sweet Potatoes
8. Brown/basmati rice
9. Herbs and spices
10. Salad ingredients (lettuce, cucumber, peppers, tomatoes)
Ensuring you've always got these knocking about the kitchen guarantees you've got a good option. This will keep your diet on track and keep you on target to reach your goals.
Smoothies, omelettes, stir frys are easy to rustle up with these ingredients.
So get shopping!
Jamie Stedman
Hope you had a great weekend.
Let’s talk about a topic a lot of people feel uncomfortable talking about:
When it’s working great, life is GOOD! And when it’s not, well … you can feel bloated, gassy, sluggish, and just plain BLAH.
Lots of factors can affect your digestion – including getting OLDER.
Research shows that about 40% of older adults have at least one age-related digestive problem every year!
That includes constipation … reflux … sensitivities to certain foods … ulcers … polyps … and more.
Plus, as we age it’s common for our digestive systems to slow down, which can exacerbate other problems!
Here are some steps you can take to keep your digestive system happier, as well as some things you can ask your doctor about during your next visit.
● Get at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week. This can help with constipation and cut your risk of colon cancer.
● Make sure you get enough fibre by eating veggies, fruits, legumes, and whole grains as part of your everyday diet. These can keep you regular.
● If you’re taking meds (including blood pressure meds or anti inflammatory meds) and are having digestive issues, talk to your doctor and/or pharmacist. Some BP meds are linked with constipation, while anti inflammatory meds can cause ulcers.
● Maintain a healthy weight. This can help prevent health problems that crop up as we age, from high blood pressure to diabetes and heart disease. Fewer health issues generally mean fewer meds, which means fewer digestion-related side effects like constipation.
● Drink water. Slowed digestion can mean more water gets absorbed from food waste, leading to constipation.
● Pay attention to how you feel after eating. If you notice you feel bloated, gassy, or constipated, look for what foods might be triggering it.
● Ask your doctor about supplementing with digestive enzymes to help boost your digestion.
Keeping your digestive system in good operating order is so important because it processes the food you eat, ensuring you get all the nutrients you need to stay fit, strong, and healthy!
Hopefully some of this can help out.
Hope you have a great day!
How has your week been?
The return of the sun has been welcome!
Socialising is up and it's so great seeing friends and family reunited and having FUN, yes that is allowed!
So again this morning we want to celebrate the success of another of our fine ladies.
This is Rhian Henry.
She joined us on our first ever program in November 2019, she's still going strong today.
AN absolute inspiration.
From Rhian when we caught up over the lockdown:
Big thumbs up to Jamie and the other coaches In Fitter body ladies! It has been a struggle of a year for all but Jamie quickly adapted and had us working out on line keeping some normality in my life , when it was very uncertain.
The work out in the morning set me up for my challenges for the day , with a fun workout in the morning which took my mind away for a little while and we had some laughs
The work outs helped me lose weight and keep it off and feel more confident looking forward to next year challenges ( be kind coaches ) never looked back since joining, bring on 2021!
Rhian has seen some pretty big changes it's fair to see.
Click here to check out her transformation.
It's come down to hard work, dedication and being in the right environment.
What are your goals?
Are you working hard on them?
Are you dedicated to them?
Are you in the right environment to succeed?
Have a think, even if 1 of those 3 are missing it could impact your results.
Have a great weekend,