I've got something to ask you.

What's the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning?


- What time do I finish work today

- Oh no I need to do 'X' today

- I can't wait to do this today

- I wish I didn't have to get up this early

Loads of examples, and loads of negative ones which I believe more people report sadly.

Without sounding morbid, we'll never get this day again.

It's really sad to just wish days away counting down to the weekend but we all do it (myself included sometimes).

Ways to help these feelings:

Structure: Know what you're doing each day, have a plan of how you're going to make it a good one.

Nice Plans: Plan in nice/productive things like exercise, date nights, time outdoors etc to break the day up and have things to look forward to.

Vision: What are you trying to achieve? Look into the future and work out what you're trying to achieve. It doesn't have to be get a big promotion it could be get fitter to run a 5k, lose weight for the summer holidays or be the best mum you could be.

Once you've got this set then each day is an opportunity to get 1% closer to that goal.

That's powerful and motivating.

So to summarise.

Visualise what you want to get to in your future.

Write it down and think of that first thing in the morning.

Have a great day,

Jamie Stedman

Good morning ~Contact.FirstName~,

January in the fitness industry is always regarded as the busiest month of the year.

After anything from 1-5 weeks of Christmas 'treats' people feel ready to change for the better.

There's plenty of funny memes about of gyms in December vs January, there were a couple of classes at FBL last week which looked similar! šŸ˜€ 

But it's good.

It's good that people are making positive changes and looking ahead. 

Sorry to be negative but a lot of people do fail with these goals or new habits.

Often in the first 1-8 weeks too. 

Why is that?

Well if we take going to the gym/exercising as our example

Is it not knowing what to do?

There could be an element of this, but even if you went to the gym and didn't know what to do other than use the treadmill/bike then going on there for 30 mins 3 x a week is still great and a positive change. 

It's the Accountability

Who is holding you accountable to reach your goal?

Who checks in with you at the end of every week to make sure you are still on track?

It's a simple but ridiculously powerful thing accountability. 

Obviously if you follow what we do then accountability is at the forefront of our business and our great results. 

It's so hard to do it on your own. 

We are actually closed to new members for January now, we are completely full (more places will be released in February).

So for now we won't be able to help you be accountable but there's options to do this yourself. 

Find an accountability partner.

It's great if they've got the same goal as you so you can support each other but it doesn't have to be. 

They could be a partner/friend/colleague/family member.

Their job is to check in with you that you're doing what you're supposed to do.

(or you check in with them)

So say your goal is 3 sessions a week at the gym then every time you go/at the end of the week send them:

'Gym session done āœ…'

It's simple but effective.

If you get to the end of the week and you haven't been, when they check in with you, you'll feel not only like you've let yourself down (easy) but that you've let them down as well (harder).

So have a think today about what your goal is (if yo haven't set it) and who will be your accountability partner. 

We are stronger together.

Have a great day,



So 2021 is over and we enter 2022.

I know many have been counting down the days to the end of this year as it's still been a funny old one but there's definitely been some good in 2021.

There's still some restrictions in place and there's things we can't do at the moment.


There's a lot of things we can do.


There's a lot of very important and beneficial things for our health that we can do right now.


  1. The gyms are all open and welcoming new members plus you could go for a walk/run/bike
  2. Fully stocked Supermarkets with fresh healthy ingredients, you could take the time to learn some new recipes and cook some healthy meals
  3. Swap the Christmas wine for water and stat to naturally detox your body after Christmas

How do you think you'll feel by February if you do:

  1. No exercise
  2. Eat rubbish and loads of take aways
  3. Keep drinking booze


  1. Do sensible, gentle exercise 3-4 times a week
  2. Learn some healthy, family friendly recipes
  3. Drink 2 litres of water every day


The second options won't take over your life, but it'll transform how you feel.

What goals did you set last year?

If they were getting fitter, healthier, lighter, stronger then you can't blame the pandemic if you didn't achieve it.

Those things (there may be some exceptions) were under your control throughout.

SO will this year be New Year, New You or will it be the same story as last year (and the ones before)?

This getting fit and healthy malarkey can be quite tricky! That's why there are experts (like myself!) to help you make this year the one that sticks!

A small investment in yourself WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE

We are running a drop a jeans size in January challenge which includes:

  • Meal plan
  • Recipe book
  • Induction
  • Choice of over 30 workouts a week

You can grab all the full details here:

January 28 Day Program


Jamie Stedman

Just a quick post today.

Last Friday was an awesome day.

It wasn't about making sales or hitting any targets like that.

It was a feel good day for me and the members.

We finished the day with nearly 50 of us going our for our Christmas party and having a great time.

Earlier that day though we did something more important.

I've mentioned we were doing a Rowathon a couple of weekends away to raise money for the Llanelli Foodbank.

A load of the members pitched in and either rowed or donated to the cause.

In the end we raised an amazing Ā£782 for the Foodbank!

After a not so quick shop in Aldi we piled up 4 cars full of mince pies, tuna, soup, crisps and much more and took the shopping down to the Foodbank.

Check out the post below by the Foodbank:


I know I'm guilty myself sometimes of always focussing on things like money, success, figures etc so it's nice to take a step back and look around at what's going on and doing our little bit to help.

It was a really proud day for me and makes me appreciate the awesome community we have built at FBL and my aim is to keep growing our community to do more and more year in year out.

Have a happy Wednesday,


PS If you did want to join our little community then now is a good time, when you sign up for our January program you get to come in December for free to try out the gym and meet the coaches and members. Just reply with 'January' for more details

Once upon a time....

I actually took a 1 month break from working out.

I was SO BUSY training clients, juggling my business with my friends/family, etc.] that I thought I didnā€™t have time to focus on my own self-care/fitness/etc.

Actually, I wasnā€™t even aware enough to think about it. It just happened.

And it wasnā€™t long until I was feeling exhausted and irritable; loading up weights for my clients started to feel like more work. I started to then eat crappy food because I was so busy and started to put weight on. In fact I felt like an imposter!!

Talk about a face-palm moment.

I was so in my head and thinking about everything I needed to do that I forgot to be PRESENT ā€“

And in the process I was robbing myself of the chance to make TODAY a great day.

Itā€™s the classic dilemma of letting the ā€œurgentā€ get in the way of the important. We all do it from time to time.

We focus on all the things we think we SHOULD do ā€¦

and that usually means putting our own self-care on the backburner.

But hereā€™s where we get it twisted: those 30 minutes you spend TODAY taking care of yourself will make everything else in your life easier.

[it's never too late to learn this by the way because it's absolutely TRUE!]

And it all comes down to today.

What you do TODAY is going to impact your tomorrow.

Thirty minutes of quiet time, 30 minutes of preparing healthy meals for the week, 30 minutes of sweating it out ā€¦

Itā€™s literally just 2% of your day.

So whatā€™s ONE thing you can do today to prioritize your self-care?

Tomorrow, youā€™ll wish you did that thing today.

Whatever the first thing that popped into your head was ā€¦

make it as ā€œurgentā€ as all of the other things you have to do today.

Hereā€™s what Iā€™m doing: I've booked myself a 45 minute workout session of weights and cardio and I'm gonna get a real sweat on in preparation for my weekend. .....ME TIME!!

Make sure you carve out some ā€œyouā€ time today.

Own your day,


I'd planned this post out last week but debated whether to send it then.

The reason being I'm still in shorts and t-shirt.

It's been a great October weather wise and not that cold at all.

But the mornings are darker and the evenings are getting there too.

So you can use this list to get you ready for winter!

I know a few of the ladies in class have been struggling with the darker mornings especially which is why I've come up with this list to help you stay motivated over the next few months:

  1. Plan your workouts:Ā Don't wait until you get the motivation to do it, plan in when to train and stick to it.
  2. Get your kit ready:Ā Don't go stumbling around in the dark, delaying yourself. Have your kit ready the night before.
  3. Get outdoors:Ā Break up your days inside with some fresh air as often as you can.
  4. Stay healthy:Ā loads of coughs and colds about so making good food choices will boost your health and make you less likely to be knocked back by these.
  5. Supplement:Ā Give your body a boost by taking supplements. Vitamin D is an important one to be taking through the winter.
  6. Accountability:Ā Don't do it alone, having a group/friend/family member to check in/do it with you helps massively when you're feeling low.
  7. Events:Ā Things like park runs, races, challenges are great to keep you focussed.
  8. Enjoy it:Ā Don't pressurise it too much and enjoy the process.
  9. Cut yourself some slack:Ā It's hard to be 100% motivated all the time, accept that there will be challenges.

There we have it!

Have an awesome Tuesday.

Jamie Stedman

As we reach the end of Summer and two thirds of 2021 is done (doesn't seem that long ago we were all praying for the end of 2020) it's time to reflect.

I've been doing a lot of this myself.

I'm currently part of a program where every single week we evaluate 4 key pillars:

1. Health

2. Relationships

3. Personal Development

4. Business/Career

Each week I grade myself on this, it's such a worthwhile exercise, since the start of my career I've lived day to day, hardly any planning and not much awareness.

This has helped to change that (I've still got a long way to go).

One thing I've noticed is when business is at it's best very often the other 3 are lower.

More time at work means less time to train and eat week (health), less time with my family and friends (relationships) and less time doing my hobbies and interests (personal development)/

It's interesting and I think this is the same for many.

Work can be all consuming and it throws people's health out the window.

Little task: Score yourself out of 10 on Health, Relationships, Personal Development and Business.

Then you find the key area you need to focus on.

Going back to talking about our year.

Are you proud of what you've achieved this year?

What have you done to better yourself?

What improvements have you made?

One thing I see so often is ladies just trying to do it all on their own.

Trying to write their own fitness programs and diet plans and expect to crack the weight loss conundrum.

How often does this work?

It varies, it does for a lot initially but then soon quickly fails.

So many ladies just get stuck in this yo yo, dieting and losing weight when motivatiion is good for a few weeks and then starting again a few months later from the same position (or worse).

It's draining.

For the same price as a two course meal you can get:

- 4 workouts taken by a personal trainer at our private ladies only studio in dafen

- Access to 6 live online workouts a week you can do from home

- Access to a private whatsapp group for new ladies on our program where we teach you how to manage your lifestyle for the best results

- Get an induction in week 1 where we weigh, measure and teach you on our program

- Get access to our tried and tested core plan alongside shopping lists and recipe books

- Get access into our private facebook group which includes countless recipes, online workouts and educational videos to teach you about nutrition and even things like emotional eating

Would that be a good investment for you?

If you're interested just drop us a message.

Jamie Stedman


We'll help you every step of the way.

You can then look back at the end of 2021 and have something to be really proud of.

Have a great bank holiday weekend.


Good morning,

We've all got goals.

We've all got ambitions.

It could be getting promoted at work

Getting married (I'm currently working on that one, 5th date now, bloody virus!)

Losing weight

Running a marathon

Have a think of what your goal is.

Let's lose the weight loss example.

'I want to lose 3 stone'

Great, do you think you will?

Do you truly believe you WILL reach your target?

If you don't then you probably won't

If you don't have 100% belief in getting to where you want to be then will that get you out of bed 30 mins earlier to get a workout in, will it allow you to say no to a dessert when eating out?

Belief is the first thing, if you don't have that then your results aren't going to match your ambition.

We also have to be realistic, if you work 60 hours a week and are running after the kids then going to the gym for an hour 5 times a week isn't going to happen.

You need to look at your current lifestyle and schedule and work around that (and maybe make some changes).

At the start of our 28 Day program we do something called a Self Audit.

We take a long hard look at ourselves, work out where we're at (even if it makes us sad) and then we are in a position to set some realistic goals.

Plus being part of the program and having that accountability transforms people's potential of hitting those goals.

So something to think about this morning.

We've still got spaces left on our June program you can start any day between the 1st and 14th of June.

Just reply to this email/post if you're interested.

Have a great day,


I'm excited!!!

I want to show you my lockdown project šŸ˜€

This project has been a few years in the making in truth but I've used the time in the office over the last couple of weeks to put it together.This is the Fitter Body Ladies Hall Of Fame

I have collated some of the best results over the last couple of years together to celebrate the ladies success.

I must note that this page has just some of the results.

Not all ladies wish to share their results

Some results are harder to document in this way.

Some of our best results don't involved weight loss.

They involve feeling stronger mentally, getting fitter, improving health and reversing illness.

I really wanted to get this together to help motivate ladies from Llanelli.

To prove that there's people living right where you do who have busy lives just like you but they're changing them.

They're losing weight
They're getting fitter
They're reaping the rewards.

I'll let the ladies do the rest of the talking!

Click here to check out the Fitter Body Ladies Hall Of Fame

Have a great weekend,

Jamie Stedman

PS If this inspires you and you want to see results like this then get in touch. We have online memberships available or you can book your slot for when we reopen fully.
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