I'm happy to say I've gone a while without having to talk about you know what (THE PANDEMIC!), that's a sign that things have been going well in the world and well for us down at the studio.

One thing I decided a few months ago was to block out majority of the news, the result?


How often do you look at the news?

Do you watch the news before bed (the worst end to your day!)?

So before I even go into my main subject I would say if you feel really stressed, if you feel really anxious and worried yet you're checking the news multiple times a day then take a step back.

The things you're reading and watching you have no control over.

What you do have control over:


Which leads me nicely onto my actual topic.

Some research has come out:

78% of people admitted to hospital with this virus are overweight/obese


So masks, vaccines, social distancing are all being hammered at us as what we need to do.

What about losing weight?

What about getting healthier so we don't need to go to hospital?

That message doesn't seem to be coming across to me unless I've missed something...

No one means to catch this virus, we can all get it and many have.

The most important thing is not getting sick or going to hospital so we have some control over this.

Get yourself fitter, get yourself healthier, lose weight (if you need to) and it dramatically improves your chances of not getting seriously ill with this virus which should increase your confidence.

You'll feel better mentally and not like you need to lock yourself away from the world.

We don't need to just rely on the government keeping us safe (thank god!), there's a lot we can do to look after ourselves and those close to us.

I don't want this to come across as negative.

At times I and many of us have felt helpless during the last couple of years, well for me this proves that there's still a lot we can do ourselves.

That's a positive.

Start slow:

- Drink more water

- Cut out as much junk food as you can

- Increase activity and move more (even just a walk)

You've got this!

Jamie Stedman

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