It's dark

It's a little cold

It's the season where it's easy to stay in bed that extra hour or put the comfy clothes on as soon as you get home from work

But since when has the easy option been the best?

I guarantee that getting up early for a bit of exercise or heading out for your class after work WILL make you feel better than that extra hour in bed or early night.

Not always and sometimes it's good for the extra sleep or chilled night but at least a couple of times a week get that exercise session in.

2-3 workouts a week is perfect and just trying to be more active each day by walking and moving is all you need to keep up that momentum.

So that could still be 4-5 mornings staying in bed or 4-5 relaxing evenings.

Maintaining your exercise routine is probably the best thing you can do over the winter, don't wait for the clocks to change before trying to be active again.

If you never STOP then you never have to do the hardest thing: START

You don't need to train like an athlete.

Our members this month will be focussing on 2-4 sessions a week.

It's nice and social, it gives them a boost for the day and they can keep on edging closer to their goals without feeling like they have to start again in January.

It'll also give their immune system a massive boost as well as their mental health.

Making them much less likely to get ill over the winter and improve their ability to cope with stress, anxiety, overwhelm and depression.

All for sacrificing anything from 1-3 hours of your week to exercise (literally 1-2% of your week)

What's your excuse if you can't give 1% to yourself for a bit of exercise each week?

Something to think about.


I've got an easy job with today's article.

I'm handing you over to one of our coaches Sher who has written a piece on her experience of overtraining.

Usually my posts are aimed at getting you to be more active but today for a change it's to those who may be being so active that it's harming their results.

Over to Sher:

'You all know by now that I like to share tips and tricks that I learned on my own fitness journey. Here comes another one, it's not applicable to everyone yet but for some of you, it's the right time.

This tip is about over training, yes there is such a thing as doing too much. Training is a tool we use to help us reach our goal and before I knew differently I assumed doing more training would get me to my goal faster. As I got fitter and stronger I started doing more classes, I'd be in the gym 5 or 6 days a week, I would double up on sessions and try to give 110% in every session, moving faster and lifting heavier.

After a good few months of training this way I started to see and feel differently. It wasn't what I was expecting though, I was tired, I'd push myself in the sessions because 'this is what I do now', I was getting niggly injuries every other week and my body was slow to heal. Poor sleep, recurring colds, my muscles were sore for days and I was no closer to my goal.

If it wasn't for lockdown, I'd probably still be on that hamster wheel of overtraining Lockdown meant I was forced to change my routine. I was still training 3 or 4 times a week and I made sure to get out in nature and walk everyday.

I will be honest with you, I was frightened! I felt that I was losing my fitness level and thought I was heading straight back to square 1 with bells on. However, it was an eye opener! Over the months that past I realised a few things, I was feeling better in myself, sleeping better, less injuries and my soreness healed faster. I was able to lift heavier weights again, heavier than I could in the previous months and the biggest surprise of all I was getting closer to my goal, mind blown

For years I had assumed I wasn't seeing results because I wasn't spending enough time working out. The reality for me was I was doing too much and couple that with not giving my nutrition any time and attention meant my body had no energy left to make the changes I wanted to see.

Recent research has shown that the most effective way to train is 3 full body sessions a week, with rest days in between those sessions. At Fitter Bodies when you sign up that's exactly what we ask you to commit to, 3 sessions a week with Brucie Bonus 4th session of recovery and mobility on a Saturday morning. The mobility and recovery session with Ifan is in there for a reason, as is Olga's lovely stretch and relax class.

Relaxation and recovery are just as important on your journey as cardio and strength training. Now don't get me wrong, we love seeing you in the gym! I think I have the best job in the world but please remember YOU need to listen to YOUR body. Take the rest days! Go for a walk or a cycle, come to stretch and relax or mobility and recovery, maybe take a gym hour and make it a nutrition hour instead and prepare your lunches for the next few days, honestly your body will thank you for it.'

Great advice, so if you're smashing the training 5-6 times a week and not seeing results for your hard work then maybe it's time for a change?

Have a great weekend,


Good morning ,

Every week on the program we catch up and checkin with our ladies. 

It's either in person, on the phone or on a message. 

Over the last couple of weeks we've had some great messages from the ladies saying how they're getting on.

It's all well and good me saying how fantastic the program is but I think sometimes it's best to hear from the actual ladies doing it.

Ladies just like you who started for the very same reason as you're considering it. 

Take a look:

Really enjoying the classes are brilliant and I love the instructors I've met so far. Really friendly environment. So glad I've started this journey with you guys. Thank you

I’m loving it, can’t wait for my next 2 sessions this week. Just doing legs and bums at home. Brilliant thank you , this week has been fab thanks really enjoyed I weighed yesterday with Sher and gone from 97.2 down to 95.2 so definitely going in the right direction. Thanks again

Thanks Jamie! I'm actually really loving it. I'm enjoying the sessions and the workbook as well. Being more aware of what I'm eating is helping. I'm definitely eating less, and I like it because I'm not having to weigh food/count calories/points, so it makes it easier and a more natural way of eating. 

Hi Jamie  Thank you, This week has been brilliant it’s really motivated me to make changes in my habits & have been more active which has made me feel great. Thanks & see you next week

Hi Jamie, thanks for the check in. I’ve had a good first week and really enjoyed the 2 sessions I’ve been to so far and looking forward to circuits this evening! I’m actually feeling so proud of myself- I started changing my diet a couple of weeks ago to get ready and I’ve gone from eating 0 fruit or veg to now having it everyday/veg every meal and even started to enjoy it. I’ve not bought any chocolate or biscuits or processed food or takeaways for me or the kids and I feel so much healthier. I’ve definitely had a change in my mind set which is keeping me focused and I’m taking help from the food plans and recipes. 

Okay one more!

I just want to say a big thank you to Jamie, Olga, Sher and Ifan. I've always hated exercise cos my face goes purple and I've had lots of negative comments. I don't know how you do it, but every session I've been too now, everyone's been so welcoming and accepting that it's really lessened my fear of going red. I still do, but it doesn't stop me now, and I'm so enjoying the classes!

So there you have some exclusive insider knowledge! 

What do you think?

Well today we officially open registration for our September program.

Due to missing January because of you know what this will most likely be our biggest and busiest program of 2021. The waitlist was all contacted this week to reserve their spaces and now I'm opening it up to you ladies on my email list and social media. 

If you want to secure your space on the September 28 Day Program then simply reply with 'September' and I'll send you through the details.

Take care,


Good morning,

The world is so fast paced at the moment, we are all so so busy.

Time is at a premium.

So one thing I hate to see is people wasting their time.

There was some more bad news coming out of Wales over the last week about the high levels of obesity. 

Losing weight can be tough and I hate to see the ones who are trying wasting their time and failing by doing the wrong things. 

Food is a massive part but many also have the wrong approach to exercise. 

I have seen people come in and out of the gym day in day out for years and stay in the exact same shape.

Something's not right?

These people get up at 5-6am and get in their 60-90 min workout before work.

They're trying so hard and seemingly doing everything right.

I know that diet is massive and if they eat crap then it's going to be hard to get results but from an exercise perspective there's plenty of improvements to be made.

Here are 3 quick changes to make to your workout if you're not seeing results:

1. Stop slaving over cardio machines - break up your boring 20-30 mins on treadmill, same on cross trainer, same on bike etc. crank up the intensity, try some interval training e.g. 30s sprint/run - 30s walk/jog and get double the results in half the time. (IF APPROPRIATE TO YOUR FITNESS LEVEL)

2. Stop doing ab work for a flat stomach - this doesn't work. In order to get rid of that belly you need to do full body workouts, high intense cardio and more importantly eat a healthy diet.

3. Stop being scared of lifting heavy - this goes mainly to women but also to males. You aren't going to 'bulk up' unless you really try. We can all benefit greatly by performing movements such as squats, shoulder press, chest press, dead lifts and pull ups with heavy weights. If you want a good physique you have to do this sort of work.

So there are 3 quick changes you can make to your workout to hopefully stop you wasting your precious time.

Catch you next week,


PS I know this sort of training can be hard to come up with yourself. If you need help then why not join our next program. Last weekend we opened registration for our July course. We've got 7 spaces left and you can start any day between the 28th of June and 5th Of July. Just reply with 'July' to find out more

At Fitter Body Ladies we have our 3F system.

You've probably heard me talk about it.

It stands for:




If we get all 3 right we should be able to achieve the results we've always wanted.

This week I'll give you some tips from all 3 Fs.

Today is Fitness.

So many people's daily habits have changed over the last 15 or so months.

Some for the better

Some for the worse

Many have used the opportunity of change to start living a healthier lifestyle

Many have done the opposite

One of the biggest changes is working from home

Rather than the drive/walk/cycle to work it's the 20 steps to the spare room

No walking through the corridors, no walking up the flights of steps, no walking to the drinks fountain, toilet, canteen etc

Even those doing an office job at an office vs at home would do an extra 2000-4000 steps a day by moving around the office.

Over a few days this doesn't add up to much but over the course of months it definitely does.

Plus the effects that this can have on posture, headaches and other general health.

If you're working from home then you have to actively seek opportunities to move.

Get up every hour and walk around the house

Have regular intervals for stretching

Have a walk before/after work or lunch time to move around

Don't eat at your desk

Keep moving to fill up your water glass

Just little things like this will help break up your day and increase your daily activity.

If you wear a smart watched have you looked at it at 5pm and found you've done about 300 steps?

Use the time gained by not commuting to get out and do some exercise.

Have a great day,


Do you want to look & feel younger?

As we specialise in helping ladies over 30 to drop weight and improve their health & fitness,, it's pretty useful for them to understand that as we all get older our metabolism slows down.

You've probably noticed that there are things that you eat and drink now, that instantly add pounds to your weight - stuff that in your 20s you could have in abundance and see no change!!

Frustrating isn't it?

Which is why our members get a little bit excited when I show them how to reverse this ageing process [without expensive surgery]

It's surprisingly simple as well.

But not easy [without a little bit of guidance and support]

Wanna know?

"Drop body fat and increase lean body mass"

This will speed up your metabolism and get it fired up again torching calories like when you were younger

So how do we help our members achieve this?

Improve the quality of the food they eat [with our suggested meal plans]

Varied exercise sessions combining both higher intensity cardio with weights [that all fitness levels can do]

Coach progression - so as you get stronger/fitter, continue to push yourself

I just love teaching this stuff and watching it take effect.

We can't reverse time, but we can certainly take full control of our bodies and help to keep them in great shape for the years ahead .

Side note: Just doing a bit of walking or a bit of running doesn't help to reverse that ageing process.

Have a great day,


How to look more toned
When discussing how our Transformation Programme entails, I mention our tried and tested 3F System - Food, Fitness, Focus.
And last week I was talking about the Fitness part to someone that had reached out and I mentioned that we used a combination of cardio and weights.
Things like slam balls, dumbells, kettlebells etc
and the response was
"I don't want to get bulky by using weights"
Now this is a very common misconception.
In fact using weights shouldn't even be an option - it's an absolute necessity.
When ladies say that they want that 'Toned Look' - it only happens by using weights - FACT!
Getting bulky will only happen by taking testosterone supplements and eating about 5000 calories per day!
What's also often missed when it comes to using weights are the other advantages on your body:
Improving bone strength [to help prevent things like osteoporosis]
It will strengthen your tendons and ligaments
Confidence goes through the roof when you start feeling....stronger. [trust me on this]
You will benefit from something called the afterburn effect meaning your body will continue torching calories 24 hours after your session has finished.
It reverses the ageing process - as we get older we naturally lose lean tissue mass and by using weights you add that lean tissue back
Our workouts are carefully designed with all of this in mind.
Specifically for women.
This is how we help everyone to get such great results.
Any questions on this stuff, just reach out.
And if you're interested in more info about any of our upcoming programmes, just let me know.
Have an awesome day!

Good morning,

What motivates you?

How do you want to look?

Think of the female body builder, oiled up and orange, vascular muscles rippling...

Is that what you're aiming for?

If you do then great, good luck trying to look like that for more than a couple of weeks a year (if you're seriously disciplined)

I don't want to speak for you all but I do imagine that most ladies don't really want to look like that.

I think the majority just want to feel healthy

lose their belly

tone up their arms

have a nice bum and legs

That'll do for most and will allow them to feel confident and comfortable

Not too much to ask

One of our proudest moments is when we see the ladies making these changes and feeling great about them.

Last week Alex sent us some pics of her progress and how far she's come.

We love it!

It's just real changes for real people.

Alex is doing this while working a normal job and juggling everything a normal life involves.

She trains 3-4 times a week and follows our nutritional approach as much as possible.

She tries to cut down her alcohol as much as possible

Drink as much water

Get a good sleeping pattern

Be active every day

It's not overcomplicated, in fact it's pretty simple when you break it down.

Being in the right environment and having someone there to help you from going off track is all most ladies need.

We've got a whole album of photos like this, if this motivates you then why not give it a go.

Whether it's now or when we reopen give us a try.

You won't regret it!

Have an awesome weekend,

Jamie Stedman


I’ve been talking a lot about core strength this month and how it affects so much more than whether or not you have 6-pack abs.

Your core muscles and your posture go together like white on rice.

And … interestingly enough … so does your posture and your digestive system.

How you sit or stand after you eat can play a surprising role in how your body functions!

2 Different Ways Your Posture Affects Digestion

1. Slouching after a meal can trigger acid reflux./ heartburn [I used to do this all the time!]

When you’re leaning forward, it can put pressure on your abdomen, which can force stomach acid up into your esophagus. [I think I've spelt that right]

This isn’t only uncomfortable. Over time, it can lead to damaging the lining of both your esophagus and your throat. Not good!

2. Slouching may contribute to bloating. [I can't believe how much fatter my belly can look when I'm bloated]

Studies suggest the pressure caused by slouching actually slows down gas/waste as it travels through your intestines, potentially leading to bloating and discomfort.

If you experience bloating after you eat, check your posture!

Those are just two reasons why it’s important to keep those core muscles strong – so they can support your body in a neutral and balanced posture!

You’ll notice a difference in your fitness, plus it can have a big impact on how you feel and move after you eat.

How is YOUR core doing?

Having a strong and stable core is a key part of a well-rounded fitness and wellness program.

We’re here for you to help you reach your wellness and fitness goals.

If you want to come out of lockdown and focus on dropping a dress size worth of belly fat, then let me know - we are about to release places on our

"Grand Reopening Transformation Programme"

Just let me know if you fancy a bit more info.

Make it an incredible day,


You know that I do like to show off our members achievements, you've heard all about weight loss successes and big body transformations but every day there's equally impressive things going on that maybe slip under the radar.

Eating well and exercising well is much easier when you have time, energy, focus, space etc

What about when you're trying to achieve the same while working from home and home schooling with a little one running/crawling around too?

Different matter.

I'm not a parent and when the ladies first told me about the struggles of home schooling I did sympathise with them and thought 'that must be tough' but I think the reality of doing it is a lot harder so I definitely take every one of my hats off to those of you successfully juggling it or even attempting it.

After looking after my 2 year old nephew for 2 hours it dawned on me the challenge and lack of time for yourself.

But the ladies are proving that it can be done.

Here are the things which work for some of them:

- Getting up early and doing the 6:30am class before the kids wake up

- Doing the evening class when the other half is home at 5:30pm

- Catching up on the sessions whenever they can during the day whether that's during nap time, lunch break or even when the kids have gone to bed

You see with the right planning and definitely helped with a supportive partner it can be done and it is being done.

It's great this week that the kids are starting to go back which will make life a little easier for you hard working parents out there.

You're inspiring!

Have a great weekend and come on Wales!!

Jamie Stedman

PS If you want to know about our new program just reply with 'post lockdown' and I'll send you the details.

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